Random notes, just so that I will always remember

caecilia s.
7 min readJul 2, 2024


Jotting down notes because I easily forget things, I promise I will keep these memories forever! | Also keep these memories in my Spotify playlist!

From Katipunan to Taft Ave, from U.P. Town to MoA, from 315 to 1201, from Lan Kwai to Fun Roof, from BGC to Makati | Last pic of us together (not full team)
  • Moza was the first Indonesian camper I spoke to, Mai (VN) was the first non-Indonesian camper I spoke to, and Santi was the first camp leader I spoke to
  • The two-fingers-then-a-finger-in-front-of-nose code
  • Adee was discussing how Andrei always takes a picture of his hair and bandana in 0.5 mode from a certain angle (Andrei is not Andrei without his bandana)
  • Moza and I are both introverted, we were so tired when we first met at NAIA so we were in a totally awkward silence (there was Ghazali also)
  • It was the first day, I hadn't got a roommate yet and I was like “WHERE IS MY ROOMMATE” the whole day… The next day I woke up with SOMEONE IN MY ROOM I was so shocked (it was Vannoula, arrived at 4 AM?!)
  • Moza, Dhita, and I, the Indonesian believe that Katipunan looks a lot like Cibubur, a district in East Jakarta
  • On the first night, we explore Katipunan and I ask Rafique and Adee (the Malaysians) if rendang and batik are from Indonesia or Malaysia (dispute)
  • Vannoula and I are the perfect roommate (315), we’re both FOMO but LAZY as hell— now I regret that I didn’t go out a lot…
  • Why is 303 A LOT BIGGER than 315?!
  • The day before the day of my death, in BGC I said that I’m quite good at drinking because I’ve never been drunk before. then I’m the one (and the only one) who DIED #humbled
  • ↑ That’s why you need to eat dumbass (I only eat breakfast that day)
  • Thank you for Andrei and Gabriel (and Moza and Adee and Michael, and ALL OF U GUYS #sobbing)
  • Bus-car-door
  • WHY COULDN’T I find a good and decent coffee in the Philippines?!!! Indo coffee is the best>>>> (I mean they’re the top 5 biggest coffee bean producers)
  • Adee and I were always ARGUING all the time
  • Ordered like 2 liters of alcohol in pop up and drank more than half of it by myself
  • After pop up, Moza, Vannoula, Ten, Adee, and I went to Lan Kwai and it was 15 minutes in heaven
  • When Mai/Mind (WHAT’S UR REAL NAME ACTUALLY?) took a picture of me in the museum cz I looked like a part of the museum (I’M THE ART)
  • I was thinking of bringing my camera, in case my phone could not take a picture… The second last day in Ateneo, MY PHONE FELL AND BROKEN (I didn’t bring my camera)
  • MY ATENEO HAND FAN from the campus tour quiz, I left it in GK Enchanted Farm for Nash (hope he still remembers me)
  • I had lots of races with Nash, then I lifted him up because he wanted the high jump, then I needed to follow him everywhere, SPORTS DAY?
  • Nash said, “I made a new friend!” “You, caecilia!” omg my heart was melted
  • It was in Batangas when someone called my name, “Oh, it’s Caecilia!” but because of the swimming eyeglass and snorkel I couldn’t recognize the person and said, “Hii, you are phat, right??” NO IT WASN’T PHAT, it was Heng… Adee was underwater and thought “What is this Caecilia talking about”
  • When I had a mental breakdown in the van after the first day in DLSU, QUITE EMBARRASSING but everyone was stressed so it was ok
  • Adee always pointed out how I shouted in the first day in DLSU because I thought the staff were doing their job halfheartedly
  • The sisig I (and Andrei and Heng) ordered in Manam WAS SOOO GOOOOD
  • The sisig I (and Rhod, Dhita, Earl, Heng) ordered in (idk the name) was QUESTIONABLE
  • Moza asked me if I had a hair brush and I said “Yea I have but only half of it,” it was a legit half-hair brush
  • I remember Dalinna bought HUNDREDS of things at Watsons in U.P. Town
  • I totally lost my appetite in the La Salle leg
  • Laksa from Le Cordon Bleu was the best
  • The chef from Le Cordon Bleu asked us, “Where is the pepper” AS IF IT WAS THE COLONIALISM AGE
  • From TRYP Hotel to Patis Tesoro and vice versa, I was sitting beside Andrei. He was sleeping but HIS BODY WAS UNCONTROLLED like he hit me around 4394839 times
  • Timothy: what is the capital city of Bangkok?
  • Rafique can’t eat pork because it’s haram BUT HE DRANK THE ALCOHOL? “sikit je tak pe” macam mana lah budak ni (translate: “only a little so it’s ok” what is this guy)
  • Dhita, Moza, Adee, and I were trying to do something in SM By the Bay but we were all too scared and too broke to try something (We really wanted to try the drop tower but the queue was LONG)
  • I was looking for a Wi-Fi signal in NAIA then I realized I was alone, then I was sobbing because I thought “What if I can’t keep our promise to meet each other again”
  • Dhita was stressed because she thought she would miss her flight. Thank god the grab driver was so nice, and BIG THANKS TO RHOD, HENG, AND EARL (and Dalinna and Reachnie) for being so helpful that day (WE WERE ALL STRESSED)
  • Glorietta was not that good actually, I had quite high expectations because of Greenbelt:D (no but I saw Flix’s insta story about Glorietta, WHY DOES IT LOOK NICE? It wasn’t like that when I was there)
  • Thanks JR for introducing me (and the others) to Prince!
  • The day before my last day in the Philippines was so random: closing ceremony — Intramuros — Jollibee — BGC — drink near la salle idk where — billiard
  • After billiard, we arrived at the hotel at 3 am just right on time to wake Moza up (I didn’t have a hotel card so I needed to go 2 levels upstairs from JR’s and Heng’s floor because I was with them, then I knock on MY OWN ROOM to both wake Moza up and to go inside my own room)
  • After I woke Moza up, I called rooms 905, 809, 1601, and 605, to wake Adee, Andrei, Gabriel, Dhita, and Vannoula if they wanted to send Moza off cause her flight was SUPER EARLY. ANDREI WAS TALKING NONSENSE when I woke him up
  • The last day, I woke up without Moza beside me and I felt empty that whole day (I miss Moza so much)
  • Moza said that I’m Parao’s adopted child:D Hi Martin and Thea, can I join Parao please?)— no offense to Balangay, I love Balangay also
  • I asked Jayda “where are Kaimook AND JAYDA?”
  • Menghok is Indonesian at this point, he knows about Indonesia more than I do
  • Phat’s iconic “YEA MAN”
  • Vannoula LOVED ebai that much because we could have lots of free food
  • I got A LITER AND HALF of juice from ebai and could not bring it home (because of the liquid restrictions on flights) so I gave it to JR
  • Our (me, Moza, Adee, Ten, and Vannoula) grab was canceled FIVE TIMES — that’s why we didn't go bowling/karaoke in Eastwood (NEVER BEEN TO EASTWOOD, HOW SAD)
  • Heng Pok’s masterpiece; black long thicc wallet specially designed for Adeesak Sukcharean
  • Rafique, Vannoula, and I lost Chiyoua, Michael, and Gabriel in Mercado U.P. Town, we even went to customer service and asked them to announce it… (we were embarrassed also)
  • Singapore national attire = tshirt, shorts, and sandals
  • I forgot who said this but there was someone who said there’s a cafe where the ice is not from water, but… ISN’T ICE FROZEN WATER? (it was frozen milk)
  • In Manam I was with Andrei and Heng, I said I learned Chinese FOR A YEAR but they heard it as “four year(s)” and I never corrected them :D
  • Andrei left his banana in Manam for tips (no actually he was just full)
  • Adee, Moza, Dhita, and Vannoula were in a Grab car, dissing the driver the whole trip in Bahasa Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thai. then the driver said “Terima kasih” (thank you (ID/MY)) after the trip…
  • All of my roommates (1201 and 1301: Moza, Mai/Mind, Dalinna, Nie) thought we lost one room access card, I legit thought I needed to pay for the missing card, IT WAS IN THE WALL SLOT FOR ELECTRICITY THE WHOLE TIME
  • Phat and Mai (VN) missed their flight… ISTG I WOKE THEM UP LIKE 5 TIMES ALREADY?!
  • Putang ina (mo) (PH)
  • Gago (PH)
  • Pala butoh (MY)
  • Choimai (KH)
  • Babo (PH)
  • I miss you SO MUCH; Adee, Aleksei, Andrei, Chiyoua, Dalinna, Dhita, Earl, Ei Phoo, Fifilm, Flix, Gabriel, Ghazali, Heng, Hien, Jayda, Jean, Job, JR, Kaimook, Licia, Luisa, Mai/Mind, Mai My, Martin, Memee, Menghok, Michael, Moza, Nie, Nutheb, Pat, Phat, Rafique, Santi, Soe Soe, Sofia, Sovannary, Ten, Thea, Thinh, Timothy, Vannoula, Vonn, Yati, and Zew Zew!! (Alphabetical order:D)
  • To be continued, will note everything here so that I will not forget the precious memories!

All of these memories would not be even in my imagination without the support and sponsor of PT Kereta Api Indonesia🚂 Thank you for making my dream of studying abroad come true!

